The mainstream media is reporting Al Qaeda is confirming Osama Bin Laden's death. It took a few hours to explain what exactly that means. True to form, the Al Qaeda confirmation follows the wacky Obama kills Osama Bin Laden storyline. What does I mean wacky?
Well since Sunday night, the story of the death of Osama Bin Laden has gone through an amazing transformation of wish washy tales that sounds more like a Billy Long fishing story that something an organized White House would produce. The White House has changed the story so many times that when you consider they have decided not to produce any evidence of Osama Bin Laden's death, it's easy to ask the questions are they telling the truth and is Osama Bin Laden truly dead. After all, the federal government has a long history of lying to the American people for rhetorical purposes to shape the public debate and push through agendas.
With that said, the Al Qaeda confirmation comes in the form of a few entries on Web sites in which the general leadership of Al Qaeda claims Bin Laden is dead. AP radio noted these Web sites are Web sites that terrorists have used in the past as the ethos for reporting the story. In other words, anybody, including the Obama administration, could have made that confirmation.
The story line keeps getting wacky as we are now in Obama's silly political season.