
Now There Was No Video of the Seals Raid to Kill Osama Bin Laden: Obama Administration Lies Again About Osama

In a few days, under pressure, I expect we will find out there are no pictures of Osama Bin Laden dead. Why do I say that? Because on Monday the Obama administration told us Obama watched Seal Team 6 kill Osama Bin Laden live. They even released the following picture where we were told they were watching the video of Osama die.

Yes, this picture can now be considered a fraud. Why? Because there was no video of Osama Bin Laden being shot by Seals.

Leon Panetta, director of the CIA, revealed there was a 25 minute blackout during which the live feed from cameras mounted on the helmets of the US special forces was cut off.

A photograph released by the White House appeared to show the President and his aides in the situation room watching the action as it unfolded. In fact they had little knowledge of what was happening in the compound.

Mr Panetta said: "Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes where we really didn't know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.

"We had some observation of the approach there, but we did not have direct flow of information as to the actual conduct of the operation itself as they were going through the compound."

So the White House is changing their story again. Good grief. And look who was one of the first skeptics about this video declaring there would be too many variables to get Obama a clear video of Obama's face. It was me, and I took some punches for even suggesting it.

The American people need to demand that Obama show proof that Osama Bin Laden is dead. There have been too many lies coming from the White House. We need proof--solid proof.