With an election just over a year away, it seems the American people are seeing through Obama's, shall we say, "spiking the football" at Ground Zero today. Todd Beamer's father is one of those Americans. Todd Beamer of course is the American who popularized the phrase "let's roll" as he led the resistance against the terrorists on the plane he was on.
David Beamer, father of 9/11 victim Todd Beamer on FOX News: "I feel some chagrin now, though, about how the rest of it has been handle. And frankly it started May Day, 2011 when the president announced what had happened. The excessive use of the personal pronoun that he used in his remarks, I really felt that was the beginning of the Commander-in-Chief putting too much spotlight on himself, taking too much credit for what the remarkable Americans had done. And of course it's only now accelerated to a greater degree in the media.