
Mike Church Offers His Fix for the Economy on Today's Church Doctrine

Mike Church shares his Constitutional wisdom again today on the Church Doctrine. Church offers how to fix our broken economy:

There is an old saying that even a broken clock is right twice a day, well that phrase does NOT seem to apply to our mighty, central, economic planner overlords in Washington DC. We know this because they are always, shocked or surprised by the “unexpected rise” in first time unemployment benefit claims like they are today; as 474,000 souls trudged off to the unemployment line last week in defiance of Obama and company’s best laid plans.

So, I keep wondering when the economic and social engineers in Mordor on the Potomac are going to create a better economist? With all of their magical powers it would seem to me that Congress, the Commerce Department and the White House should be able to conjure up stable, predictable, job growth every week, alas, our Wizards of Work seem to be able to do only one thing consistently: spend Other People’s Money.

I am also kept wondering when will the beauty of simple economics as a fix dawn on the American shoeple? Here is a simple, 4 step plan to grow the economy:

Stop printing more money and start recalling what you have printed.

Stop hiring federal workers and start firing most of those you have hired.

Stop running health care systems and start repealing health care acts (all of them).

End all our wars, invasions and occupations and bring the army home to honorable discharges.

The only problem with my plan is it WILL create massive unemployment…. for economists.

Listen to Mike Church on Sirius Patriot