
Poor Hillary Clinton, An Allergy Messes Up Her Pretend Watching Osama Die Moment

Hillary Clinton says it was allergies that made her covered her mouth in the White House situation room. Does it really matter? I mean come on. Is our government really going to prop this photo up as the defining photo of Osama Bin Ladin's death when we know now this photo was staged?

Yes, we were told they were watching Osama Bin Laden die at this very moment, but since the White House has changed their story so many times, we learned they never saw Osama die. There was a video blackout of 25 minutes.

Are you glad Hillary Clinton took the time to tell the American people she suffers from allergies, and an allergy attack hit her during Mr. Obama pretending to be Mr. Rogers in the Neighborhood of Make Believe?

Actually considering how bad I feel during allergy season, we might even assume this was a staged allergy attack. Why should we count that out?

Other staged photos in American history include:

The Marines had longed conquered Iwo Jima and the flag was raised before this shot was captured.