Osama Bin Laden Helped Some People Forget the Obama Birth Certiciate--Not Baltimore Oriole Luke Scott
Remember Luke Scott last year? He is the Baltimore Oriole that went public about Obama's birth certificate claiming he doesn't believe Obama is a citizen. While most of the country forgot about Obama presenting his birth certificate last week, Luke came out criticizing Obama once again accusing Obama of forging the document to the Kansas City Star.
“[Obama's] birth certificate has yet to be validated,” Scott said Tuesday. “If they can counterfeit $100 bills, I think it’s a million times easier to counterfeit a birth certificate, if you ask me. So, all it is, let’s just see if it’s real. Anybody can produce a document, so let’s check it out.”
Scott told Mellinger that it is his duty as an American to speak his mind while taking advantage of the platform given to him as a professional athlete.
“We all have that responsibility as Americans,” Scott said. “Whatever platform you have, large or small, fight for what’s right. Fight for what’s right and fight for the principles of honor, integrity, accountability, being a person. Responsible. Hard work. Discipline. Honesty. Things like that, try and pass those principles on to the next generation. Be a voice for that. Maybe being a baseball player and having a little bigger platform than the next [person], then my responsibility should be to stand up for those principles. If I was in construction or working in an office I should stand up for those principles as well.”