
Now Democrats Are Blaming Republicans for Killing Seniors Before Their Time

Kathleen Sebelius, a staunch defender of Obamacare with this death counseling (death panels), is now out there telling the public the Republicans want to kill seniors off faster too. So killing off seniors sooner with Obamacare is perfectly acceptable, but we can't have any of that if Paul Ryan is doing the talking.

During testimony before the House Education and the Workforce Committee, she said seniors “will run out of money very quickly.”

She continued, “If you run out of the government voucher and then you run out of your own money, you’re left to scrape together charity care, go without care, die sooner. There really aren’t a lot of options.”

Of course the problem she faces is that Obamacare is causing, that will really risk the health of seniors are the numerous reports of doctor shortages that Obamacare is already starting to lead to. In fact, in an article that compared Obamacare to Romneycare in Massachusetts published in the New York Post, the average wait for a doctor in Massachusetts has climbed from 30 days to 55 days. Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare.

Forget the death panels, and take this fact to heart. You quickly see Kathleen Sebelius is a healthcare hypocrite playing a partisan game.