
John Boehner Leads Republicans to Accept Obama's Word on Osama Bin Ladin

Ronald Reagan had three words he required of the Soviet Union once the two sides began agreeing to reduce nuclear weapons. Trust but verify.

Apparently these words have been forgotten in the Republican ranks. John Boehner is giving Obama a pass on providing conclusive proof to the American people that Osama Bin Laden is dead.

The National Journal reports the great compromiser's neutrality in forcing Obama to prove to the American people he truly killed Osama Bin Laden.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, says he has no opinion on whether the White House should release photos of bin Laden to establish that his body was in U.S. custody and he died as a result of gunshot wounds inflicted by the Special Operations unit that invaded his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

"That's a decision for the administration to make," Boehner said when asked if it was necessary to release any of the bin Laden photos, which U.S. officials have described as carrying the gory imprint of a gunshot wound to the head. "They have to decide what to do. I'm convinced. I have no doubts."

The National Journal failed to describe any information Boehner had that convinced him Osama is dead.