
Congressman Billy Long is the Eddie Haskell of the Republican Freshman Class: Long Doesn't Understand the Depth of the Waters in Washington

Billy Long has become the
Eddie Haskell of the
freshman class in Congress.
Billy Long seems awfully hypocritical to me. The Congressman likes throw insults at various figures in Washington on his Twitter account at any given moment, but Long is willing to silence his own critics using federal force. Long's last insult to CIA director Leon Panetta, which was quickly removed from his Twitter account, proves Long doesn't understand the depths and the dangerous currents of the Potomac that he swims in.

Twenty minutes after Billy Long tweeted information about Osama Bin Laden's death, Long began insulting CIA director Leon Pannetta, who we are learning was instrumental in the mission that led to Osama Bin Laden's death. In fact, considering information coming out that our, let's be blunt here, panty waste and chief Barack Obama had to sleep for 16 hours on the decision to kill Osama Bin Laden, Panetta's leadership may have ultimately assured Osama's death.

Billy Long tweeted an insult against Panetta at this very important time in our Republic's history. It shows the lack of taste and character of Congressman Long as well as his lack of judgement.

We're scheduled to tour the CIA tomorrow & hear remarks from Leon Panetta. Wonder if planes will change or if we'll hear Panetta's best ever!

Clearly an insult to the achievement of Leon Panetta in his most shining hour. This tweet was quickly deleted from Long's twitter account. You can't help but wonder if Long got his butt chewed out for playing partisan politics at this moment when Osama Bin Laden was announced dead. Not only that, but as Busplunge points out, in a moment when security levels are raised because of this, alerting Al Qaeda to where a large group of Congressmen are may put those Congressmen in danger.

Long doesn't seem to understand how deep the water is he swims in since getting to DC. It's very likely that someone, possibly even in the CIA sat down with a frown with Congressman Long, as the tweet was deleted. In the days after Long's tweeted insult of Leon Panetta, Long has been kissing the butt of the CIA chief. Insults one day and compliments the next? Mr. Long, you continue to prove you are out of your league.

But we can say this about you. You are proving to be the Eddie Haskell of the freshman class in Congress.