Congressman Billy Long was born in 1955. This was a transition birth year for the United States draft during the final days of Vietnam. Billy Long would have been 18 years old in 1973, the year the draft ended, but priority numbers were still issued for those born in 1954, 1955, and 1956.
We know Billy Long went to the University of Missouri, but he didn't last very long there. It may have been too hard for Long, or he spent too much time partying. His short stay at Mizzou would have given him some space from Vietnam if the draft was to begin again considering these priority numbers. The question is, did Congressman Long notify Selective Service when his days at Mizzou were over to let them know that he was no longer a student and now eligible for the draft, or did Congressman Long continue to pretend he was the big man on campus in hopes of avoiding service if the United States decided to reverse an end to the draft?
That's a question I wonder if Congressman Long is willing to answer and provide proof of. Politicians are the whores in American society, but soldiers are what truly make this country great.