George W. Bush is looking for his legacy. He's on his book tour and it seems very favorable unless you are Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore. I am puzzled by their anger towards Bush. Bush acted like a liberal, after all neocon is really a code word for a more liberal Republican. Constitutional conservatives should be the ones upset at Bush, yet when I read around, the conservative blogs are speaking highly of Bush and the liberal talk shows are screaming at Bush. Why is this so confusing? Does anyone know who the real George W. Bush is?
Bush was responsible for a huge growth in government.
The Bush administration and the neocons in Congress took budget surpluses and turned them into debt.
Bush was responsible for more federal authority over education with No Child Left Behind.
He oversaw huge deficits with a neocon Congress in charge.
His administration developed the same Homeland Security and the TSA which is groping passengers before they get on planes if they opt out of full naked body scanners.
He paved the way for Obama to need more wiretapping power for the federal government in the name of national security.
His administration totally messed up the war in Iraq ensuring we were there many years after. Remember the riots after we declared victory because the Bush administration only secured the Oil Ministry building while other key landmarks weren't secured, which led to riots and an uprising of insurgence sectarian force after a failure not to secure Iraq.
Want me to go on?
I think we should be very careful about celebrating George W. Bush. While I have said kind words in the past, my mid-life studies of the Constitution and the foundations of this great experiment of self governing thanks to the Tea Party movement has me warning conservative to be careful with your kind words to George W. Bush. His record isn't one of Constitutional conservatism.