
Who Does Billy Long Represent?: Some Thoughts on Billy Long, Social Security, and Medicare

While I don't approve of the United States federal government's social entitlements, there is a truth about them. I have been paying into them all my life with a promise of return. That money have been confiscated from my paycheck, and it's looking less likely I will ever see it again.

I personally think that Social Security and Medicare need to be phased out for good, but the truth is too many people are going to lose out on money they paid in based on what I have been reading as of late. There is something that caught my eye in an opinion piece written in the Joplin Globe.

JOPLIN, Mo. — The House of Representatives voted to eliminate Medicare and Medicaid for anyone born after 1957. Our Rep. Billy Long was one of the Republicans who voted for the drastic budget.

A poll by the Washington Post-ABC News resulted in 78 percent against reducing Medicare and 69 percent against reducing Medicaid. Further, 72 percent are in favor of a tax increase for those with an annual income above $250,000.

What reason will the Republicans need to agree to a tax increase for the rich? Are the rich ever expected to share in this budget shortfall?

It’s time to let Rep. Billy Long know that he represents us and not the Wall Street group and the rich.

Bob Etherton


Isn't that nice? Billy Long was born in 1955 and isn't included in the cut off. Can we conclude that Billy Long represents himself and puts his self interests before everyone else once again?

You see, I have been saying for months these programs need to end. The federal government has also been confiscating money from all Americans with this promise of Social Security and Medicare which is nothing more than a made-up FICA and medical trust fund, which if any other entity attempted to do what the federal government has done--you know like Bernie Madoff--they would be closed down and in prison.

So why not phase it out by setting a law that any American born on January 1, 2012 will not be enrolled in the Social Security and Medicare programs. Stop the confiscation of wealth and give Americans back what has been taken from them.

I can't argue with Mr. Etherton about who Long really represents, even though I don't support his class welfare argument to justify more taxes. We know from the bills he has proposed on the House floor he is giving what has come due to those special interests who contributed to his campaign.