Documentary director Michael Moore doesn't have too many common sense moments. Mainly, it's because the film maker goes out of his way to sound controversial by opposing everything that is good in America. The funny thing is the same capitalism Moore hates is the same capitalism that allows investors to invest in his films, studios to look at potential profit from his films, and of course has made Moore a very rich man.
Here's what Michael Moore had to say about the death of Osama Bin Laden, as he now appears he may be gathering enough material to possibly attack Obama on the death of Osama.
“Common sense tells you [bin Laden] was executed. That was the plan all along. Just tell us that and quit treating us like children.”
Like I said, a shocking moment of common sense. Quite rare for Michael Moore. This statement comes after numerous stories the Obama issued a 'kill order.' Of course it has been reported Obama had to sleep on it.
By the way, considering the lack of intelligence, similar eye color, and not having a neck, could Michael Moore be related to Congressman Billy Long? Long has been embracing progressives a lot this week.