You have to give Hillary Clinton credit. She understood who the real Barack Obama was. She tried to warn everyone of use how ill prepared he was to make a tough choice.
It's been 3:00 AM a number of times and what have we gotten from Barack Obama. Hesitation. Yesterday, we learned that it took Obama 16 hours to come to terms with the idea of killing Osama Bin Laden, a man responsible for the deaths of over 3000 Americans. Obama had to sleep on it. Oh, but this isn't the first time when faced with defeating terrorists that Obama waited and waited and hesitated to commit.
His 3:00 AM moment has come many times. Let's look back to when the Somali Pirates were taking over ships at sea. An American was captured by these Muslim terrorists for more than five days before Obama came to terms with making a decision. Once again Navy Seals did a great job, but Obama was hesitant in making a decision.
Remember during the Presidential campaign during the Russian Georgia conflict, John McCain, as little as I like him was quick in his resolve to show leadership to deal with the crisis. Obama sat on the sidelines and watched, showing no leadership--playing it safe.
Yes, hesitation is symbolic of Obama's leadership during crisis. Hillary Clinton was right about Obama. He doesn't handle 3:00 AM very well.