
Billy Long is Now Speaking for the Progressive Mike Huckabee for President Effort

Mike Huckabee, the lovable Arkansan neocon who raised taxes, endorses Obama's plan to regulate childrens' diets, and was soft on crime as governor, seemed like he was bowing out as a possible candidate for president. Hukcabee was embarrassed a few weeks ago when he picked a fight with Glenn Beck who shared with his audience that he believes Huckabee is more of a progressive than a conservative.

Apparently, Huckabee has Billy Long's endorsement, and as Huckabee is fighting rumors he is not running for president, he has picked the worst possible spokesman to conduct interviews for his possible run. Congressman Billy Long tried to explain where the progressive Mike Huckabee stands right now.

"He said, 'people that have printed that they definitely know that I am not running do not know what they are talking about and people who have printed that I am running do not know what they're talking about because, quite frankly, I don't know,'" Long told POLITICO.

I don't know what you just said Congressman Long, but if it helps get Mike Huckabee out of the way for a true Constitutional candidate, all the better. Considering Huckabee endorsed you for Congress, it does appear you are ready to scratch another insider's back.

By the way, why is Billy Long talking to the Politico? Didn't Bret Funk tell Missouri journalist Bob McCarty that he wasn't doing interviews with journalists outside of Missouri's Seventh District?