
Billy Long Deletes Tweet About CIA Director Leon Penetta Tweeted After He Learns of Bin Ladin's Death

Billy Long is going to have to realize that Twitter may be his worse enemy. Twenty minutes after retweeting the Bin Ladin news, Long tweeted:

We're scheduled to tour the CIA tomorrow & hear remarks from Leon Panetta. Wonder if plans will change or if we'll hear Penetta's best ever!

Obviously sarcasm directed at Penetta at a time when the country should be celebrating the death of Osama Bin Ladin. Long obviously doesn't know how to put aside partisan attitudes at a moment like this.

Long quickly removed the tweet according to the Turner Report.

Randy Turner writes:

Congressman Billy Long rapidly deleted a sarcastic tweet about he expected to hear tomorrow about how great CIA director and soon-to-be Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is.

The tweet, of course, was made before the news that a CIA-led operation resulted in the death of terrorist Osama bin Laden.