
Billy Long Gives Thanks to Obama on Bin Ladin's Death

Billy Long was quick to grab some headlines with the news Osama Bin Ladin was dead. Having done little in the fight against Islamic terrorist and more to destroy the rights of Americans as he serves on the Homeland Security Committee--voting to extend the Constitutional killing PATRIOT Act and co-sponsoring Janet Napolitano's new citizen spy network called If You See Something Say Something, Long issued the following statement:

“I'd first like to commend the President on his announcement that at long last Osama Bin Laden has been killed,” Rep. Billy Long stated Sunday night. “Special thanks and gratitude go out to the U.S. Intelligence community and military for staying on the task for almost 10 years and getting the job done. Hats off to our men and women that made this possible.”

First off Mr. Long, if Obama had his way, this day would never have come. Let me remind you of October 2007.

So I hope your strange wording that you commend Obama on his announcement stops there and realizes the real hero here is David Petraeus.

Secondly, over $1 trillion was spent to on this war on terror. It took ten years for the most powerful, technology superior, and resourceful Republic on this earth to capture this man. That's a sad statement if you want my opinion and shows less time needs to be spent fighting the war on terror against America (remember the Modern Militia Movement Report and the bill Long co-sponsored called If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011) and more time should be focused on going after goons like Bin Ladin. Ten years is just too long.