
We Won't Fly Web Site Encourages People to OPT Out of TSA Naked Full Body Scanners

A new Web site is encouraging chaos in airports across the United States. Angry at the naked full body scanners, the Web site asks fliers to travel with dignity and opt out of the naked full body scanners. They hope it will cause such a backlog and inconvenience for the TSA and Department of Homeland Security, they will eventually remove the naked full body scanners.

The Web site offers stories from travelers who have had to deal with TSA thugs. It also details its goals. Be sure to give it a visit at Here's some of its goals and warnings for Americans.

Take Action: Don’t Fly, Opt Out and/or Raise Hell!

If we don’t take action, however meager and ineffective it may seem at first, the ability to opt out may soon disappear. We may soon find these porno-scanners on our roads, in our train stations and sports stadiums. We must end this dangerous and invasive technology here and now! Here’s what you can do.

If You Can Avoid Flying

If you can avoid flying, drive, take a bus or train instead. Make them feel your resistance in their bottom line.. Tell your airline about the business they lost. If you decide to cancel your trip altogether, tell your hotel why you won’t be using their services.

If You Must Fly

OPT OUT of the porno-scanners. If not for your privacy, then for your health. Document the treatment you receive. File an official complaint with the TSA – every time! Complain to your airline. Complain to your hotel.