
Congressman Billy Long Insults Leon Panneta and Deletes Tweet Upon Learning of Panetta's Role in Killing Osama Bin Ladin

Congressman Billy Long stuck his big fat foot in his large auctioneer's mouth moments after learning that Osama Bin Ladin had been killed. Long sent a tweet alerting his constituents that Bin Ladin was dead before Drudge Report had created a headline. Moments after that Congressman Long insulted Leon Panetta. Upon finding out Panetta's role in the raid against Bin Ladin, Congressman Long deleted his tweet. Of course nothing ever disappears on the Internet.

Thanks to Smartphones and Twitters text messaging service, the Tweet survived Long's deletion.

9:40 Long retweets political hack James Harris' retweet noting Osama Bin Ladin was dead.

Twenty minutes later Long tweets about his tour of the CIA offices tomorrow and throws an insult at Leon Penetta, which he removed a short time later.

Long's big mouth is going to continue to cause him trouble in DC.