
Did Obama Really Kill Osama?: Osama Bin Laden Corpse Picture Will Not be Released

Obama's credibility on killing Osama Bin Laden is in question. The body was quickly dumped at sea. The White House promised the public pictures yesterday of Osama's corpse, but decided later in the day that would be insensitive to Muslims. Now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the dead Osama Bin Laden dead picture will not be released to the press or the public to prove Osama Bin Laden is truly dead.

Jake Tapper writes:

President Obama is increasingly doubtful that there's a compelling reason to release a photograph of Osama bin Laden's corpse, ABC News has learned.

There don't seem to be many skeptics of bin Laden's death in the Muslim world, with bin Laden's wife having survived the attack to identify bin Laden's death both to the Navy SEALs and Pakistani authorities.

Meanwhile, sources say, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are advising the president about concerns at the Pentagon and State Department that releasing a photograph could prompt a backlash against the US for killing bin Laden where one does not seem to currently exist.

The internal debate at the White House is then informed by this question: why are we releasing this photograph if no one seems to really doubt his death and releasing it could cause more harm than good?

Really, people don't have doubts about Obama's claim? Doubt of Osama Bin Laden's death is all over the Internet. Just look at the Drudge Report.

Notice what Gates and Hillary said--no backlash against the United States? Have they not see the threat against Barack Obama's life from these terrorist idiots?

I don't know what world the White House lives in, but it's sure not the world I am observing.