
Obama's Order Was to Kill Osama Bin Ladin--Not Take Him Alive

It almost seems hypocritical. Barack Obama demanded Al Qaeda detainees at GITMO be given the same rights as the American people. When it came to the top in command, Obama didn't order the caputure of Osama Bin Ladin so that me may have a trial. No, Obama ordered that Osama Bin Ladin be killed and not captured.

"This was a kill operation," the a national security official said, making clear there was no desire to try to capture bin Laden alive in Pakistan.

Interesting how the Obama administration fought for civil trials of captured Al Qaeda members but when it comes to Osama Bin Ladin, no trial. This enforces the idea to me, that Obama is using this mission for political gain. It clearly doesn't follow the philosophies that Obama has led by.