
Obama Shouldn't Get Credit for Osama Bin Ladin's Death: David Petraeus Strategy Not Obama's Killed Osama

General David Petraeus was issued orders to come home from Afghanistan a few days ago to take over the CIA. Obviously, Petraeus is getting a promotion for his accomplishment and his trophy, Bin Ladin's head on a silver platter delivered to Obama. With that said, it was Petraeus's strategy that turned both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as Obama was talking like this.

That's right as Petraeus shifted thought of how the United States could end Al Qaeda's terrorist reign, Obama was saying we need to pull out. It should be noted Obama's strategy noted in that October 2007 speech would have failed to bring this moment of celebration to the United States.

Like I mentioned earlier, Petraeus was given orders to come home last week, so Obama waited to the start of a new news cycle to release this news, obviously to help his polling. Petraeus deserves the credit, not Obama.

Obama will capitalize on this moment politically. In fact, it's already begun.