
Chuck E. Schumer the New Majority Leader in the Senate?

"There is no more a despicable human being that has set foot in the Senate chamber than Chuck Schumer," says Mike Church on his October 29 radio show on Sirius Patriot. He could be Harry Reid's replacement. According to Real Politics, it appears Democrats will stay in control of the Senate and the face of the majority could be Schumer.

Harry Reid is battling for his political life, and Schumer is now throwing his name around that he wants to succeed Reid if he falls on Tuesday. God help us.

If that isn't bad enough, Dick Durbin of Illinois, a man who compared US troops to Nazi and Soviet troops, is also maneuvering for the job.

Going back to Schumer. He authored the assault weapons ban during the Clinton administration. He has a 100 percent approval rating by NARAL. He has pushed to enlarge the freedom killing Department of Homeland Security. He definitely doesn't care about slowing down spending. During the stimulus debate, Schumer said Americans didn't care about the porky stuff in the stimulus bill.

Let's not forget that colorful word that Schumer called a US Airwaves flight attendent, "bitch."

Yes, if Schumer is the next majority leader, it's going to be divisive in the Senate.