
Springfield News-Leader Endorses Billy Long

Well, it's with no surprise, the big advertising dollars of Billy Long and backing Billy Long has led the Springfield News-Leader down a path to endorse Billy Long. With no real political reporter since May, and Cory De Vera, a high-school level journalist trying to pick apart Billy Long, the Springfield New-Leader makes a case for Long that even the author won't attach their name to. What a joke their political coverage has been!

In their endorsement, they attack the blogs. Well hey News-Leader, if you had done your job, perhaps the rest of us wouldn't have to be digging to find out the truth about the candidates. Call it mean if you want, but your lack of professionalism has been called into question across the blogosphere, and obviously you have to put your little jab in.

Newspapers are dying, and its little wonder considering the News-Leaders pathetic attempts to cover this election. There were so many stories that could have been easily researched and pointed out to show the hypocrisy of all the candidates--even Billy Long. There is this rule in life. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. When you see the ads in the real estate section, and you see Billy's backers in the auto section, well it's not to hard to see who bought the favorable coverage in this election.

Now, because of the News-Leader's inability to investigate, which was clearly shown on Sunday with the story by Wes Johnson who was assisted by De Vera, Southwest Missouri is going to elect perhaps one of the most unprepared, uneducated, and perhaps unethical men to go to Congress to replace a very powerful Congressman who has been a good steward to this district. The funny thing is, there was no coverage to show how earmarks have helped our local economy thanks to Roy Blunt, and how Billy Long's anti-Blunt stand will actually prevent our tax dollars from returning to our district. These are basic stories the News-Leader didn't touch on, which tells me the News-Leader isn't capable of providing critical thinking to help Southwest Missouri make a true choice.

This endorsement is a joke. It was paid for by the biggest advertisers who have been on board with Billy since day one. Don't kid yourself. The author didn't even want to put his name on the article.