We all know if there is one president who misses the luxury life of Air Force One and the White House, it's Bill Clinton. The man ten years removed from the White House won't go away. Other presidents have quietly retired, respecting the office enough to remain silent for its successor. Not Billy Clinton (and for that matter Jimmy Carter, but Carter is still legacy building for his disastrous four years).
Many people are starting to wonder how sincere Clinton is in his efforts to help Obama and the Democrats retain their power in Congress. Byron York writes:
Chicago - To some Democrats, former President Bill Clinton is the party's campaigner-in-chief. And if there's any place a big gun is needed, it's here in Chicago, where Democrats, represented by the lackluster and scandal-plagued Alexi Giannoulias, are in grave danger of losing a Senate seat to Republican Rep. Mark Kirk. And not just any Senate seat -- at stake is the seat formerly occupied by Barack Obama himself, a trophy Democrats would hate to lose. So on Tuesday, with the hours until Election Day ebbing away, the campaigner-in-chief came to the rescue.
The problem was, it wasn't entirely clear how much Clinton really wanted to help Democrats, and especially Obama, win next week's elections. In the course of a one-hour speech, Clinton, whose wife lost a bitter nomination battle to Obama just two years ago and might still be considering another run for the White House, offered faint praise for the current president and a steady stream of criticism for Democrats, who he said have failed to communicate their message to the voters.
If you think back to the 2008 presidency, how did Barack Obama and his cronies like Jeremiah Wright attack the Clintons? They did it with the race card, which I always found ironic since many blacks considered Clinton was the first black president since they felt they could connect and identify with Clinton. Never in my life did I believe the race card would be used against Bill Clinton. That had to be a bitter pill for the former president to swallow.
Now it's being suggested Clinton is going rouge, possibly to lay down the pavement for a Hillary Clinton candidacy in the Democratic primary. Remember, there has been this talk that Biden is out in order to keep Hillary from running, but Biden is on the campaign trail saying he has talked to Obama and he is the pick for 2012. This should get interesting.
The New York Times writes that Clinton's only allegiance is to Democrats who helped Hillary and not Obama. Obviously, the Clinton's need these Democrats in 2012 if Hillary is to be successful.
Still, Mr. Clinton is not particularly close to Mr. Obama. He coordinates with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., but makes his own decisions about whom to help.He has focused on aiding Democrats who endorsed Mrs. Clinton against Mr. Obama, like Representative Mark Schauer here in Battle Creek. Some Democrats call it a “retribution tour”; aides said they think of it as a “thank you tour.”