Jack Conway may be complaining about Rand Paul and the Aqua Buddah, but it has little relevance based on the record of corruption of the Democrat complaining. Earlier this week, it appears the Kentucky attorney general tipped his drug trafficking brother off of a coming investigation into his possible crimes and now there is a Conway cover up. Now the story gets worse.
Conway has been quite critical of Rand Paul's comment that he opposes Kentucky taking federal money to fight the war on drugs, but it appears Conway's own war on drugs is controversial not only because it appears he tipped his brother off of a coming investigation, but also has been taking money from drug manufacturers who profit from addiction.
The NADDI, the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators, dropped a $50,000 check on Kentucky and its Attorney General Jack Conway.
“Abuse of prescription drugs is a serious problem in the state of Kentucky,” notes a website critical of Conway. “Jack Conway claims to be ‘tough on drugs’ but in reality, he broke an important campaign promise to create a drug task force upon entering office. Additionally, he took $50,000 from the very drug company that creates OxyContin. Does Jack Conway stand with the drug companies and their deep pockets, or with the people of Kentucky who must deal with the rampant problems with crime and abuse?”