
Enthusiasm for Obama Low in the Swing State of Ohio: Half Full, Half Empty You Decide

Half full or half empty, you decide. However you decide, it's a far cry from what I witnessed almost two years to the day when Obama visited the swing state of Missouri and final last hoorah campaign stop in hopes of carrying Missouri. He didn't.

Now two years later in Cleveland, Obama can't even fill a basketball arena. Remember the lines used to stretch for two miles when Obama would come to town.
CLEVELAND — President Obama wrapped up a weekend of last-minute campaigning in Ohio on Sunday, addressing Democrats in an indoor arena that, in a sign of the “enthusiasm gap” that the president is working so hard to close, was little more than half full.

About 8,000 people attended the Democratic National Committee’s Moving America Forward’ rally at Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center, a hall where the capacity is 13,000. The rafters were largely empty.

The organizers made excuses. Obama can't compete with Halloween and football. Such wasn't the case in 2008.