
Keith Olbermann Launches 20 Minutes of Nonsense Directed at the Tea Parties

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Keith Olbermann and other liberals are loosing it the closer we get to Tuesday. From Countdown, Olbermann launches a 20 minute attack on the Tea Parties--as his ratings continue to fall.

If you can't stomach 20 minutes of Olbermann, here is the transcript of his closing remarks that proves how far gone this man is from his more sane days as ESPN. By the way, I haven't seen in on NBC's Sunday Night Football, and I can't say that I miss him either. Just how much more sane he was is debatable.

You are willing to let these people run this country? This is the America you want? This is the America you are willing to permit? These are the kinds of cranks, menaces, mercenaries, and authoritarians you will turn this country over to?

If you sit there next Tuesday and let that happen, whose fault will that be? Not really theirs—they are taught that freedom is to be seized and rationed. They can sleep at night, having advanced themselves and their puppeteers, and to hell with everybody else.

They see the greatness of America not in its people, but in its corporations. They see the success of America not in hard work, but in business swindles. They see the worthiness of America not in its quality of life, but in its quality of investing. They see the future of America not in progress, but in revolution to establish a kind of theocracy for white males with dissent caged and individuality suppressed.

They see America not for what it is or what it can be. They see delusions, specters, fantasies. They see communists under every bed and a gun in every hand. They see tax breaks for the rich, and delayed retirement for everyone else. They fight the redistribution of wealth not because they oppose redistribution, but because their sole purpose is to protect wealth and keep it where they think it belongs, in the bank accounts of the wealthy.

… But you know better. If you sit there next Tuesday, if you sit there tomorrow and the rest of this week and you let this cataclysm unfold, you have enabled this. It is one thing to be attacked by those who would destroy America from without. It is a worse thing to be attacked by those who would destroy America from within.