Sarah Steelman said one of the reasons she was endorsing Billy Long is because he wouldn't be influenced by special interests. Since then, Billy Long has gone on a political campaign contribution binge as if they were midnight snacks made especially for Billy by the Metropolitan Grill.
With the premise that Billy Long is fed up of everything in Washington, DC, why does he continue to take money from special interest from outside the Seventh District? Going once, going twice, vote is sold to the special interest group from California.
Since the primary, Billy Long has forgotten his whole fed up platform. He now looks like he plans to stay in Washington for a very long time, and it appears he is ready to play the game money for votes. I wonder what house on K Street he will purchase for the long stay?
One of the most notable items Long seems no longer fed up with is special interests. He's taking money from everywhere--money that will soon influence a vote in Congress--OUR VOTE IN CONGRESS. Long's job is to represent the 7th District and not companies in California, Texas, or Kansas.
Yet, his pockets overflow in the final week of the campaign with questionable campaign contributions that once again show Billy Long was never fed up with Washington.
Earlier in the campaign Long complained to KY3's Steve Grant about farm subsidies (Long wants to end them): "They're bringing milk in from out of the area. Our farmers here have to pay to have milk trucked in from other states. So there's a lot of things in the farm subsidies that have to be looked at."
Yet he took a substantial donation from The California Dairies Federal PAC.
Also on his list is Halliburton, Exxon, General Motors, the Koch Brothers. Try to find their contributions in the 7th outside of Billy Long's pockets you can't. Longs acceptance of these contributions are the political equivalent to Fed Up as Judas' kiss was to Jesus.
So those who brag Billy Long will bring small business common sense to Congress, well, I can't argue with you. Sold to the highest bidder! I think Billy Long's going to love Washington, DC.