
A Constitutional Conservative Looks Beyond November 2, 2010 and Possible Republican Gains: From the Mike Church Show

(Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA - By Wednesday morning we'll have a better grasp on the future of our United States of America than we do now. Will that future still be a sinking Leviathan? A cynical Mike Church sees good in Nazi Pelosi finally making her way out of the office amply named 'Speaker of the House'. As for Obama, he's going to have to come out and make some conciliation, whether he does it or not is still being determined by the bookies, and if he does give a speech it will probably have some snide remark in there that will base the rest of his misshapen Presidency.

However, when it's all said and done with will there actually be any change? This isn't the first time we've taken the House or Presidency or lost the House or Presidency, yet the problems still remain the same. Therefore, the work merely BEGINS on November the 3rd and if these guys falter then all of this energy and investment will have been for nil.

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike: Let’s listen to some Keith Ogremann losing it on OMSNBC last night. Apparently, we actually are going to repeal the 20th Century — nobody could be happier about that than I — according to Keith Ogremann; right?

[Clip] Keith Olbermann: ...just a cabal of corporations and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and political insider bloodsuckers like Karl Rove and Dick Armey and the Chicken Little chorus of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. And the instructions are not to improvise a comedy sketch, but to elect a group of unqualified, unstable individuals who will do what they are told in exchange for money and power and march this nation as far backward as they can get, backward to Jim Crow, or backward to the breadlines of the ‘30s, or backward to hanging union organizers, or backward to the trusts and the robber barons. Result: The Tea Party. Vote backward. Vote Tea Party.

And if you are somehow indifferent for what is planned for next Tuesday, it is nothing short of an attempted use of democracy to end this democracy, to buy America wholesale and pave over the freedoms and the care we take of one another, which have combined to keep us the envy of the world. You do not think your freedom is at stake next Tuesday? The Tea Party and Republican candidate for Senator from Nevada Sharron Angle just decried divorce and Social Security as some of this nation’s, quote, ‘wicked ways.’ Mrs. Angle also compared rape to, quoting, ‘lemon, in a lemon situation, in lemonade.’ She would deny an abortion even to a teenage girl who had been raped by her own father.

Mike: Stop the digital media file right there. You know, I am so sick of that canard of an excuse for the extermination of human life, and Ogremann is so sickening, that I choose to not, not have you suffer through any more of this insanity that he was about to spew. That what is laid out there — what about those, what about all those 13 year olds that are raped by men that aren’t their color, by black men and impregnated? It happens 15 times every day. What about them? It does? Yes, and all these little girls that are always raped by their fathers and impregnated, happens, what, 150 times a day. And this is why we have abortion procedures. When you nitwits were arguing for the extermination of human life, that was not the excuse that you used. You called it “reproductive freedom.” It wasn’t until people woke up and said, well, reproductive freedom, that’s a kid, man. You can’t just stick a coat hanger in there and kill that. That’s a human. Wasn’t until the grizzly, dirty little secret of what an abortion was got out that you had to start making these fantasies up.

Let me tell you something. A country, as Mr. Ogremann just said, that takes care of itself, takes care of its children first, you butcher. We can’t even take care of children. We choose to not have them. Oh, they’re an inconvenience. No, your sluttiness is an inconvenience, madam. I’m sorry, I err. I called you “madam.” How about “ho”? Try that one on for size, Keith. Children, the future, an inconvenience. Well, we can’t suffer through that. I’m going to limit myself to two and a half. Why? Well, that’s what the Census Department says we ought to have. We have population control by fiat. But everybody else only has two and a half. And besides, it’s so expensive.

We do all these things for future generations, and yet we have people running around like Keith Ogremann that want to exterminate the future generation and want to use these flimsy, pathetic excuses to do it. Well, you know what, Mr. Ogremann, we’re not buying your snake oil anymore. And let me also inform you of something, sir. Racism existed back in the day, it exists today, and it will exist a hundred years from now and a thousand years from now. So what? So what? There will always be bears in the woods that will attack innocent campers that haven’t done anything other than step into the wrong part of the forest. So what? This zeal and this idea that our existence and that our course as a people — which is a socialist term, by the way — must all be joined together in the extermination of racism is ridiculous. It’s not going to happen. And since it’s not going to happen, why should we spend trillions of dollars in the exercise?

Let me make one more point about this because I’m sick and tired of hearing it. Jim Crow was government-imposed racism; okay? These were state and local governments that were instituting racism. This wasn’t choices of people made individually by who they wanted their neighbors to be and what have you. It was an institution of government. Hey, and Yankees, you started it. You guys were the first to segregate. Oh, yeah, escaped slaves can move up here to Massachusetts, but you’ve got to go to that school over there. Why I got to go to that school over there? That’s where the black kids go, you know? Yeah, there. Oh, it was all a fabrication of Southerners. They did everything. Right, right.

I don’t even want to get into the rest of what Ogremann said. But yes, we should absolutely repeal most of the 20th Century, especially anything that happened in Congress after 19, oh, 13? No, 1912. 1912 was a banner year. I’d pay big bucks for a bottle of wine from 1912. “Mike, does that include the Civil Rights Act?” Well, had states not been forced to institutionalize racism, much of the Civil Rights Act would have been unnecessary, would have been unneeded.

Let’s go a little further back. Had the course of human events, to quote Jefferson, “When in the course of human events,” had they been allowed to play themselves out, and if the rest of the world is any indication, we don’t know what would have happened to the existence of the slave trade in the Southern states or the Western territories. Many people that are scholars have postulated that, hmm, well, the rest of the world moved away from it, mainly because of the human indignity of it and because of the abolitionists. What if the abolitionists were able to actually convince people in individual states and in individual communities that slavery wasn’t evil? Which, by the way, many people that were in Southern states and Western territories did believe.

So anyways, I don’t want to get into that whole discussion there. But our Constitution and our lives should not be built around the premise that we can exterminate something that some would argue is instinctive, and something that exists on every continent on this planet, which is racism. It’s better to just deal with it than to try and exterminate it, and to try to demonize and vilify anyone, especially when the demonization is only a one-way street. In other words, because I’m a white boy, a cracker, I’m the only one that’s capable — if there are three people in the room, two of them are minorities, and there’s I, well, there’s only one person in the room capable of being a racist, and that’s me. It’s ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

The great Melvin E. Bradford summed this up in the best way that I have read, and it’s in a book called “The Reactionary Imperative,” and that is that it is folly, and it is a suicide pact, to believe that you can co-opt the entire Constitution and constitutional system of federal government into the cause of eradicating poverty, eradicating racism, or doing any of these things. The Constitution was a plan of how to form a government, a union of states. That’s what it was. When it began to be used for all these other things, the writing was on the wall.

End Mike Church Show Transcript