
Tim Davis Endorsement of Billy Long Borderlines on Extreme Comedy: Davis Called Billy Long Out for Cheating in the Spring

Tim Davis was one of the most decent men running for Congress in Missouri's Seventh District that I met. He impressed both Republicans and Democrats with his knowledge of economics. He's one of the smartest men I have met, but I have to admit, I was thrown off by his endorsement of simpleton Billy Long.

In what appears may be sour grapes, and I am sure Dr. Scott Magill hasn't moved forward in questioning Tim's character, Davis says, "“Like me, Billy Long is pro-life and shares our Ozark values."

If you remember last spring, Tim Davis was the first candidate calling Billy Long out for using an iPhone at the Ozark Chamber of Commerce candidate forum. Davis says he saw Billy receiving answers to the questions asked during the forum in multiple text messages. Is cheating one of these Ozarks values?

As well, I attended a worship service with Tim at James River Assembly last May. The Assembly of God's headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, says gambling is a value the church doesn't support. Once again, I have to ask Davis about values?

It doesn't appear based on these two instances, the values Long has shown aren't values Mr. Davis appears to advocate for.

The timing of this endorsement is most funny. Davis waited until the Saturday before the election to put his name on Long--Saturday when the news cycle is the slowest. Another lackluster endorsement for Long.