Sarah Steelman, who hasn't stuck to her guns with Billy Long that were spelled out in her endorsement of Long, recently launched a series of interviews with Slick Billy. What struck me as funny about one particular interview is how lost both of these dolts become in the interview on free trade. Long looks like a deer lost in the headlights, then he says regulations make him nervous, even though he wants to regulate the healthcare insurance business. Gee Southwest Missouri, do you really want these people as the face of conservatism in our district? Listen to what idiots both of these people are.
Steelman looked like she was speechless as she rushed to thank Billy Long at the end after that rambling answer.
Also notice how Steelman avoids discussing Billy Long's desire to regulate the healthcare insurance, which was well noted in the Joplin debate. By the way, what are these two dolts doing on an "independent" magazine?
Sarah Steelman's IQ dropped considerable points with her Billy Long endorsement. And to think, she's just a couple months away from announcing her bid for US Senate...