Michael Savage has said for years liberalism is a mental disorder. He may be more right than you know.
Scientists think they have uncovered a gene that makes people lean to the left--a liberal genetic code if you will.
Researchers have determined that genetics could matter when it comes to some adults' political leanings.
According to scientists at UC San Diego and Harvard University, "ideology is affected not just by social factors, but also by a dopamine receptor gene called DRD4." That and how many friends you had during high school.
Well, I can definitely see how the allure of free government cheese has gotten the dopamine receptors going conditioning millions of Americans into believing that federal welfare programs and safety nets are highs for people like Peggy Joseph who believe the role of government is to pay her mortgage and put gas in her car. What a dope!
Are you really surprised? Seriously, that's how libs sell big government. They get you addicted to it.