
More People Seeing Through Billy Long's Fed Up Routine and the News-Leader's Billy Long Endorsement

Since when does merely being "fed up" qualify you to serve in the United States Congress? Since Thursday, according to the News-Leader, which saw fit to endorse a candidate whose grasp of the issues facing our state and nation is equivalent to Barney Fife's grasp of the intricacies of law enforcement.

Billy Long's "fed up" with Washington, but supports career Washington politician and father of the Wall Street bailout, Roy Blunt, takes ... dollars from the very PACs and lobbyists that control Washington and hasn't articulated one thing he would do as our representative that would change one thing in Washington. Well let me tell you what I am "fed up" about.

I am "fed up" with politicians who say they aren't politicians as if that is a badge of honor. Webster's definition of a politician is "a person experienced in the art or science of government." God forbid, having someone like that representing us in Washington. And I am "fed up" with candidates touting their business background as if the mere fact that they owned, ran, managed or inherited a business automatically makes them someone we would want to trust with our government. Anyone ever hear of Wall Street? Goldman Sachs? Lehman Brothers? Enron? Ken Lay ran a heck of a large business and I think we could all agree that having him make decisions for the rest of us wouldn't be such a great thing.

And finally, most of all, I am "fed up" with candidates basing their entire candidacy on catchy phrases, slogans or marketing gimmicks. While basing your candidacy on a catchy slogan might get you an endorsement from the News-Leader, it sure doesn't get my vote. To Billy Long, I say, "Where's the Beef?"

Kay Mills, Springfield, Missouri