
Danny Giddings from Eckersley Campaign Says E-Mail Sounds like Jeff Roe Tactic

Jeff Roe, who has a reputation in Missouri for running dirty campaigns and has basically written the book on dirty campaign tactics Missouri, is quickly getting the blame pushed his way for the fraudulent e-mail that was sent to multiple press sources early this morning. Danny Giddings of the Eckersley campaign quickly mentions Roe's name in a new interview that was launched shortly after the media showed up at Eckersley's campaign headquarters to get the story.

Scott Eckersley says this reminds of him the e-mail scandal that shook the Blunt campaign a couple years ago. James Harris and Jeff Roe were brought into the scandal to protect those involved and Eckersley says their job was to smear his character.

By the way, was that a slam against Cory De Vera and her investigative reporting?