
Conflicting Reports About Obama's Orders to Kill Osama Bin Ladin

They teach you in the military to follow orders exactly. You don't question order and you try not to alleviate orders. Despite Barack Obama pushing for civil trials of Al Qaeda detainees at GITMO, Obama didn't offer Osama Bin Ladin a chance to stand trial. He gave the order to kill Bin Ladin--PERIOD.

"This was a kill operation," the a national security official said, making clear there was no desire to try to capture bin Laden alive in Pakistan.

There is some doubt about that order and one has to wonder if the White House is spinning this for political gain. According to one source, upon entering Osama Bin Ladin's compound, Bin Ladin was asked to surrender and then put up resistance.

From the Malta Times:

Osama Bin Laden was asked to surrender by US troops before he was shot dead, Fox News is quoting intelligence sources as saying.

The terrorist leader had always said he would not be captured alive.

So what is the truth? It seems very likely to me, based on the celebrations at Ground Zero, that Barack Obama and his administration decided to wait a few hours to measure public sentiment as to how to spin the actions that led to Bin Ladin's death. It now seems more than ever, Obama is using this event to push up his poll numbers, knowing Americans love a winner in war. Still this doesn't change the fact Obama is pushing this country to the brink of disaster.