
Obama Debates Whether or Not to Release Pictures of Osama Bin Ladin's Corpse

Reports are that Obama watched the Navy Seals take out Osama Bin Ladin. As the Seals attacked, a woman identified as Osama's wife called out his name and the Seal team met Osama face to face before shooting him in the head. According the White House, there are official photos of the Osama Bin Ladin corpse, but Obama is unsure about releasing them to the public.

“There’s no doubt it’s him,” says a US official who has seen the pictures and also reminds us that OBL was 6’4”.

Not very convincing considering computer technology can manipulate photographs. According the White House, DNA tests were also conducted before dumping the body into the ocean, which is still a question that casts doubt over all of this. Why was the White House so quick to get rid of Osama's dead body?