
Details on Osama Bin Ladin's Death

Osama Bin Ladin has been confirmed dead. The United States government is in possession of his body. According to reports, Bin Ladin was killed sometime last week. US military forces killed Bin Ladin somewhere in the mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It appears a drone attack ended Osama Bin Ladin's life and approximately 25 other Al Qaeda militants.

It is interesting it took a week for Obama to announce this. With poll numbers at all time lows, Obama waited to the start of the news cycle to release this powerful story. Once has to wonder if a political calculation was involved with the timing of the announcement.

Of course, tomorrow or a few days following we will discover who the new enemy is. We will also see justification for why we must continue to risk American lives in Afghanistan even though Bin Ladin is dead.

Update: The mainstream media has changed its story from what it has first reported. As well, Congressman Billy Long tweeted the US was in possession of Bin Ladin's body. That isn't the case either. Navy Seals were called in to attack Bin Ladin's compound. As well, Bin Ladin's body is buried at sea with respect to Islamic traditions according to the United States government.