
Glenn Beck Asks Why Obama Gave Osama Bin Ladin a Dignified Burial

More questions are arising after Barack Obama quickly jettisoned the body of Osama Bin Ladin out to sea in what was called a traditional Islamic burial. Glenn Beck commented on his radio show about Bin Ladin's burial at sea.

“My problem with this is that we gave this guy a dignified burial at sea, or at least that’s what they said. I really would have put this guy in a meat grinder with a pig, sorry. Oh, you’re not going to get your 72 virgins? Sorry, that sucks to be you. Wrap him up in Hormel, pack him in a can of Spam, man,” Glenn said.

“He’s a terrorist. He’s a serial killer. He’s a mass murderer,” Glenn said.

“They gave him a dignified burial and honored the body so he could go and get his 72 virgins? I’m telling you, I would have put cans of bacon bits in every orifice of his body.”

I think there are a lot of problems with this burial. Like why didn't Obama allow the American people to view Osama's dead body?