
Obama Will Enjoy a Brief Bounce in the Polls Thanks to Osama Bin Ladin's Death

Obama and the Democrats are politicizing the death of Osama Bin Ladin for all its worth. It's hard to believe that just over two years ago these same people were ready to pull out and end the mission. Obviously they wouldn't be celebrating today if Obama had lived up to his campaign promise to pull American troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

None the less, Democrats, Obama, and the mainstream media are lifting Obama up to hero status while insulting George W. Bush. "Mission Accomplished" has been a main talking point. The truth is we are far from mission accomplished as Osama Bin Ladin's successor Qudos has vowed revenge for Obama's actions.

Obama will enjoy a brief lift in the polls as this mission proved successful, but when the celebrations end, and they will as more Americans lose their job, Obama will return to the basement with his approval numbers. The numbers have been lingering around 40% for months. It will be interesting to see what kind of jump he gets considering Americans love war time presidents, but Obama has been the exception to the rule and his illegal attack on Libya did nothing for his poll numbers.

Soon we will forget Osama Bin Ladin and be reminded of the massive amounts of debt Obama has racked up, the devaluing of our paychecks through his administration's working with the Federal Reserve to print more and more money, which in return has driven up fuel and food costs. Of course his failed stimulus plan failed to produce jobs. In the grand scheme of things this is Obama's lone success--killing Bin Ladin, and considering it went against his and liberal philosophies that demand Constitutional rights for Al Qaeda detainees, since Bin Ladin never went to trial, Obama's shining moment will be brief once America returns to the realities of his failed economic policies.