
More Fallout: Neosho Resident Upset at Billy Long Over National Auctioneers Day

There is more fallout tonight for Billy Long after Long took $5000 from the National Auctioneers Association PAC and then dropped a bill for the special interest group. A resident of Neosho says he thought Billy Long was fed up of business as usual and expected more from him. Remember, Long told us he wasn't going to Washington to scratch other peoples' backs. Long quickly broke another campaign promise.

The following is a Neosho resident's letter to Billy Long:

Day to Honor Autioneers

Rep. Billy Long

April 19, 2011

The Honorable Billy Long
Missouri 7th Congressional District
US House of Representatives

Dear Congressman Long,

I've seen the video of your speech on the floor of the House of Representatives. I'm not impressed! Sir, you were elected to help put an end to "business as usual" in Washington,DC. Co-introducing a bill in congress to citizens/voters of Missouri's 7th District are facing higher fuel prices, higher food prices, an out of control federal government. And there you are having at the top of your legislative agenda a bill that would create a day to honor auctioneers!!!

I find that speech, and the bill you want passed regarding auctioneers, is an insult and embarrassment to me and the citizens and voters of Missouri's 7th District. You should be ashamed of yourself!

The citizens of Missouri's 7th District, of the state of Missouri, and the entire country expect and deserve better.

Neosho , MO

The Neosho resident is absolutely right. When times are hard, the last thing Billy Long should be worried about is scratching the back of special interest groups when Southwest Missouri families are struggling.