
The Peaceful Religion of Islam is Threating Sila Sahin with Death for Posing in Playboy

Once again we are observing what a peaceful religion Islam is. Sila Sahin is a beautiful 25 year-old woman of Turkish and German heritage who also comes from the world of Islam. She is also the one of the latest cover beauties to grace the cover of that American tradition known as Playboy. Now the peaceful religion of Islam is sending her death threats, calling her a "whore," and a "western slut." Islamic Web sites are saying Sahin has shamed Islamic women, and have warned her to walk carefully.

Now lets think about this. It seems to me radical Islam is a complete double standard. Where did the 9/11 Islamic terrorists hang out before hijacking the airplanes?

Strip bars.

And where did the crazed Fort Hood Major hang out before shooting up Fort Hood.

Strip bars.

So why is it Islamic men can look upon American women in strip bars with lust and dollar bills and it appears perfectly acceptable for them, but when once Islamic woman decides to run a parallel path, she gets death threats. Islamic seems like a hypocritical religion if you ask me. Besides don't these radicals of the Islamic faith fantasize about 13 virgins. Do they honestly want us to think they are fantasizing of them with burka covering all?

Heck, Sila Sahin has probably done more for strained Islamic relations than any of the Muslims threatening her. She is such a beautiful woman. It would be a real shame if she was covered in a burka all of her life.

Sahin herself says she feels liberated by the experience, even though her parents are no longer talking to her.