
Allen West May Become the Victim of Gerrymandering

I hate to hear this even despite Allen West's vote for the Patriot Act. The National Journal has listed the top-ten Democrats and Republicans likely to lose their jobs over redistricting. They believe gerrymandering in Florida will ensure that West's stay in Congress is a short stay.

The National Journal writes:

Florida's 22nd CD may be the ugliest gerrymandered patchwork of precincts in the country, and West won one of the ugliest races in the country in 2010, unseating Democrat Ron Klein with a big lift from senior voters in Palm Beach and Broward counties. If new voter-approved anti-gerrymandering measures are enforced (and that's a big if), West's district will have no place to go but into neighboring Democratic precincts, helping to pave the way for Democratic former West Palm Beach Mayor Lois Frankel.