
Congressman Billy Long is Suddenly a Self-Righteous Constitutionalist

Fresh from his Joplin Tea Party speech that celebrated humility through Bozo the Clown and not humility through the founding fathers, Congressman Billy Long now appears to be a self-righteous Constitutionalist. Congressman Long attacked Barack Obama yesterday on Twitter after Obama presented his questionable birth certificate.

"And for his next Act" - Now that he found his Birth Certificate can he find a copy of The Constitution?

Now I am no fan of Barack Obama, and you aren't going to get an argument out of me if you say Obama has over stretched the constitutional limits of his office and his programs are unconstitutional, but Billy Long attacking Barack Obama on the Constitution reminds me of the Bible verse, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

You see, Billy Long is like your typical self-righteous Christian who can't come to terms they are sinners too--you know like the Westboro Baptist Church members. Billy Long has been the farthest thing from constitutional since getting to Washington, but yet he is ready to jump on his peers who he says aren't to par on the Constitution. Let's look at Billy Long's violations to the Constitution since taking office.

Billy Long decided to skip the reading of the Constitution on the House floor to meet with a lobbyist instead. Even Nancy Pelosi took the time to read the Constitution that day.

Billy Long handed over an enemies list consisting of his most vocal critics to the FBI to have them investigated and intimidated despite no threat to the Congressman and their First Amendment right.

Billy Long voted for the Patriot Act not just once, but twice. The Patriot Act is a clear violation of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. Don't take my word for it. Take Rand Paul's words.

Of course, Barack Obama wants to increase the federal government's powers thanks to the Patriot Act including tracking Americans by their cell phones claiming Americans give up any reasonable expectation of privacy when they use a cell phone. The Patriot Act is dangerous to the Constitution.

Billy Long voted to continue federal funding of NASCAR teams despite no enumerated power giving him the power to spend constituents money at over $100 million in the last decade for decals to place on stock cars. Nope, there isn't one enumerated power in the Constitution.

Billy Long co-sponsored the If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011, which many fear will help Janet Napolitano (a true enemy of the Constitution) more power that could create a citizen spy network.

Billy Long sponsored HR607, which takes away an amateur HAM radio frequency from Americans, to push for an emergency broadband frequency for the federal government in a bill that appears to be connected to the Internet kill switch sponsored by Peter King last year. Long said public safety is his first concern with the bill despite founding father Benjamin Franklin clearly stating those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

So maybe when Congressman Long starts acting like a Jeffersonian we might have friendlier words for him, but until then, he is going to be called out a Constitutional hypocrite no matter how many times he says is pocket Constitution is "rode hard and put up wet."