
Monsanto's Quest to Control All Crops: GMO Wheat Next

Make no mistake, considering the patents Monsanto has filed in collaboration with the United States government, Monsanto has one goal--control the world's food supply. Why else would you develop terminating seeds that don't generate seeds for the next year's crop.

Monsanto is back at it. Already controlling the world's corn and soybeans, they are moving to other crops. They will soon be testing genetically modified wheat.

Monsanto claims their wheat will be drought resistant, but like corn and soy, Monsanto's goal has been to force small farmers into using GMOs either with a smile or their team of militant lawyers that trespass on to private property spraying Round Up on a farmer's corn to see if it dies or not after the wind has polluted their fields with GMO pollen. Farmers soon find themselves in court--a victim of the wind.