
Celebrate Cinco De Mayo By Sending an Illegal Mexican Back to Mexico for Fiesta: Mexico Threatening the Second Amendment

As an American, I am getting sick and tired of illegal activities from Mexico interfering with my freedoms and liberties. I am also sick of this idea that Americans must celebrate Cinco De Mayo, which is really nothing more than another day designated for American amateurs to go out and get drunk. Most Americans who go out drinking donning sombreros while slurring the word amigo probably couldn't even tell you why they are celebrating May 5.

Bob McCarty gives the Readers Digest version on his blog, which he says Americans shouldn't celebrate Cinco De Mayo.

Cinco de Mayo celebrates the legendary Battle of Puebla May 5, 1862, in which a Mexican force of 4,500 men faced 6,000 well-trained French soldiers. The battle lasted four hours and ended in a victory for the Mexican army under Gen. Ignacio Zaragoza. Along with Mexican Independence Day on Sept. 16, Cinco de Mayo has become a time to celebrate Mexican heritage and culture.

So basically you are celebrating a bunch of Mexicans killing a bunch of French people. Is that worth a few cheers and a shot of taquila? Absolutely not.

I differ with my friend Bob. I say Americans should celebrate Cinco De Mayo by launching their own war against the evils that Mexico is infringing upon our own society in America, and I am not just talking about illegal immigration. Personally, I have nothing against Mexicans. I have many friends of Mexican descent. I just want them to come here legally. As well, there is a serious problem that has developed in Mexico that is being set up to infringe upon American rights. I think we should use Cinco De Mayo to raise awareness of the problem.

So let's celebrate Cinco De Mayo as a day of awareness. We could have a march an illegal back across the border festivities. We could set booby traps in the peoples' back yards that have become illegal immigration highways where illegals are vandalizing, robbing, and on occasion killing Americans whose property they trespass on. Most importantly, we could raise awareness of a problem that is growing more serious by the day, a problem the Obama administration wants to politicize in order to rob more Americans of their gun rights.

During a recent meeting with gun control activist Sarah Brady, Obama promised he was working on gun control "under the radar." Let me tell you what this means based on another news story that came out earlier this month.

What is even scarier is the Obama administration is reported to be shipping weapons to Mexico in a program called Operation Gunrunner. From the Daily Caller:

In Project Gunrunner, ATF allowed American guns – including AK-47 assault rifles and military-grade, .50 caliber sniper rifles – to be smuggled into Mexico and sold to drug cartels, with the goal of tracking the weapons after they’ve been used.

The project began during the Bush administration in Laredo, Texas, in 2005 as a trial, morphing into a national program in 2006. The guns were sold and tracked electronically, giving law enforcement agents valuable intelligence on where the weapons went and who had them.

During the Bush years, no guns were allowed to cross the border into Mexico. When President Obama took office in 2009, things changed. Obama’s ATF continued Project Gunrunner, but made a crucial decision to allow guns to be “walked” into Mexico, eventually ending up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

The results, in at least one instance, were tragic. Two AK-47s ATF officials were tracking were found at the scene of U.S. border agent Brian Terry’s murder.

It appear to me under the radar could mean blaming Mexican violence on US gun manufacturers and distributors in order to push justification for further restrictions on firearms. This my amigo is why Mexico continues to be a thorn in our side. We already know the federal government isn't doing enough to secure our borders to end the drug trafficking that is coming across, but now they are shipping weapons to Mexico to intentionally sell to the drug cartels as Obama works under the radar on more gun control.

All I have to say when more gun restrictions take place thanks to all of this going on in Mexico is Happy F'ing Cinco de Mayo to you. There is no reason to celebrate Mexico, when Mexico is a threat to our way of life and our freedoms and liberties. If we are going to celebrate it, let's celebrate it right. Secure our borders and march an illegal back across the border.