
Rhianna Loves the TSA's Naked Body Scanners

Last night I sat in an emergency room listening to a doctor advice against x-rays. The doctor said x-rays are good when you need them but the problem is the more you take the more likely you are to suffer from the long-term effects because the radiation builds up. Let's put this in perspective as frequent business travellers are being subjected on a weekly sometimes more basis with the TSA's naked body scanners.

Well the TSA needs a poster child for their cause in light of all the bad publicity and it appears talentless pop hack Rhianna is that poster child, ignoring the warnings of over exposure of radiation. Rhianna was randomly picked for a naked body scan at LAX. Randomly, like we are to believe some perv in a TSA uniform didn't see her coming.

Rhianna had this to say about the experience, “I guess they shouldn’t exclude anyone, no matter who they are.”

Compliance, that's what the TSA loves, and they appear to have loved Rhianna; although we really don't want to know how and what was done with the naked body scan upon her leaving.

Rhianna complied with a smile and sexy grace saying it's okay. This is just something we have to get used to--forget about that Fourth Amendment.