
Isn't It Time for the Royals of Windsor to Disappear?

I swear this royal wedding is for the birds. Did we forget we fought for our independence from this same oppressive monarchy nearly 250 years ago? What purpose do they really have? Honestly I fear if the American revolution was today in the age of television, a royal wedding might prevent the revolution based on this senseless fascination over this strange dysfunctional royal family that really have some bad marks on their resume.

What purpose does this family have in England rather than just being worthless figures that suck the life out of the English tax payers. They no longer participate in government decisions but they collect a huge government check to sit on a throne and have their asses wiped by a servant known as the groom of the stool.

Oh the drama these people cause! The Windsors appear to me to be some of the most undesirable people around. Anything to protect the royal family, despite all the controversy. Then there is Prince Charles. Is this guy a boob or what? I just don't understand the fascination with this family. Ozzy Osbourne has more function in his life than these idiots.

It's really a tradition whose time has come to end. They serve no purpose whatsoever, and obviously our founding fathers didn't embrace the idea of a king. Could you image what they would say today if they knew one family was sucking from the taxpayer simply to carry on a tradition they were opposed to and fought against reoccurring in the United States?

Then there is this story line. Because Prince Charles is such a boob, they fear if he becomes king, the interest in the monarchy will end. As if that's a shame? Isn't England a financial mess too as the people of England continue sending money to ensure the monarchy exist to Windsor Castle?

So there is this huge controversy developing that Charles should be skipped and William should be king, all because Charles is a boob and William is this good looking kid that brings life back to a lifeless monarchy. The people of England shouldn't be worried about who is next in line. Charles would help end this once and for all. If William wants to be King, let William be king on his own dime.

Seriously, the Royals of Windsor are nothing to celebrate. When you start reading about them and their dramas, they are merely white trash that should be living in a trailer but some how manage to continue confiscating their wealth from the English taxpayers. Of course, the Royals of Windsor are nothing more than a reality TV tabloid story, which in the age of ignorance, is why they will survive.

Don't you understand if these people weren't royalty, they would be repeat visitors to the Jerry Springer show?