
Obama Administration Calls His Lack of Birth Certificate a "Distraction": Hawaii Takes Measures to Hide the Truth

"It's an unfortunate distraction from the issues that I think most Americans care about," White House press secretary Jay Carney said about the controversy surrounding President Obama's long-form birth certificate. "Anybody who is watching this exchange, the West Wing of the White House would be appalled, or most Americans would be appalled."

So why doesn't Obama put an end to the distraction and produce the long form birth certificate? You know, you wouldn't want the Obama administration distracted from their illegal war in Libya would you. Obama is obvious the key to ending the distraction. Produce the long form birth certificate and you silence the birthers. It's really that easy Mr. Obama.

Of course an interesting development is happening in Hawaii. They are making it harder to search for Obama's birth certificate as Donald Trump's money is now investigating the Obama birthplace.

The State of Hawaii is suddenly enforcing a policy that no one – not even the president of the United States – can obtain a copy of his own birth certificate from the state's Department of Health.

Although the policy of denying the public access to copies of long-form original hospital birth certificates was announced in 2001, it wasn't enforced for years. But with Trump's recent pointed questioning of the circumstances of Obama's birth – and whether he was even born in America – Hawaii officials have apparently determined that the long-overlooked state procedure now requires enforcement.

Hmm, I wonder why the Democrat governor of Texas and friend of Obama who promised to produce the birth certificate and didn't now suddenly helping assist in keeping people away from the records.

Distraction? Or no birth certificate?