
Did Obama Play His Birth Certificate Card too Soon?

The timing of Obama's release of his birth certificate is interesting to say the least. Obama stated the birth certificate had become a distraction and that he needed to focus on the problems of the country. If this is so, then why did Obama wait so long to release the birth certificate? Why if he was so distracted by it did he wait nearly two and a half years to produce it? Perhaps recent polling numbers showing less Americans believed he was a natural born citizen forced his hand.

I wonder if it would have benefited Obama to hang onto it and allow the Republicans to make it an issue. Then the October surprise could have made a Republican candidate, especially one Donald Trump, to look quite silly.

Of course, it wasn't a Republican who brought up Obama's birth certificate in the first place, even though the mainstream media would make you believe that. It was Hillary Clinton who first made the accusation.

Of course, considering the drama behind the birth certificate, one has to wonder if it is real or manufactured as Obama's poll numbers slide.